Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Is The State Sponsor Of Terrorism - 727 Words

State Sponsor of Terrorism† a â€Å"Terrorist Act by Prof Michel Chossudovsky Al Qaeda is a threat to America due to its attack on the nation. The attacks were being used by the Bush administration and its friend; British to solicit for public support of the agenda of the global military. The Islamic terror network was an initiative towards the creation of intelligence apparatus (Chossudovsky, 2013). This military and the intelligence services triggered mass casualty events which led to civilian casualties. This was the basis of war propaganda that served to fabricate an enemy. The outside enemy specifically the personalized Osama Bin Laden was threatening America. The pre-emptive war was a target against Islamic terrorist was needed to defend†¦show more content†¦There is nothing wrong with doing business with terror group families, Osama was a good guy later he was referred as the black ship and then there was the global war on terrorism. Before 9/11 investors Carlyle group of Osama brother met with Bush senior. On the evening of September 11, Georg e gave a speech where he defined the relationship between the states that sponsored terrorism and the terrorist (Chossudovsky, 2013). President George Bush is remembered for saying it’s either you are with the terrorist or with us. It is very clear that the house of Saudi funds terrorist so does the bin Laden family. The families happen to be friends with the Bush family; such a scenario brings conflicts of interest. Washington had warned that governments that assist or harbor terrorism would be treated the same way as the terrorist. If that is the case, Saudi Arabia ought to have been included in the states that sponsor terrorism but that has been the case. The US government sponsors state that sponsors terrorist for example the US government supports the house of Saud; this house supports Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda and the CIA had very strong links; successful administrations have sustained and supported terrorist who is used to create political instability and destabilizing countries (Chossudovsky, 2013). War on terrorism isShow MoreRelatedTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism851 Words   |  4 Pagesany nation. Terrorism is one of those things that can happen at any time. It will strike in small, medium and large cities. Although we will never be able to remove all risk from terrorism, we can definitely reduce the risk through hazard mitigation and disaster preparedness (GBRA, 2011). To better understand terrorism we need to know what it is. Terrorism can be defined as the use of force or violence against persons or property in violation of the criminal laws of the United States for purposesRead MoreEssay Types of Terrorism873 Words   |  4 Pages Terrorism in the United States has taken a big step since 9/11. After 9/11 there have been more and more police officers working. 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